We arranged five interviews with users to understand how they navigate the website, if it's user friendly, and what therapies or resources on the site they are drawn to. We tested navigation functionality, page readability, and problems with user experience.
57 people were surveyed to conclude interest in animal therapy, how the majority handles the grieving process, and how they search for help.
A competitor analysis was completed to further understand their differentiators, pain points, threats, and growth opportunities.
Redlining was conducted to incorporate components from user interviews and a UX perspective.
The current user flow was documented and highlighted areas for improvement.
Through the data we collected, we found:
We broke up the additional website pain points into an affinity diagram to target key improvement opportunities and critical flaws.
3 user personas were formulated to emphasize the 3 separate target markets based on user interviews. A direct persona in need of their service, an indirect persona that submits referrals, and a sponsor who provides donations.
We colloborated and brainstormed to define an empathy map, storyboarding, user journey map, and scenario. This brainstorming session allowed us to find additional pain points or roadblocks a user might face. From this session we discovered:
This opened the idea to include information on the fees and affordablilty on the site, how to apply for a sponsorship, and if any are available.
We further broke down data from our research and brainstorming sessions to formulate must, haves, could haves, and should haves for the site.
We card sorted the web pages to organize the best breakdown of the navigation and developed the final result into a site map.
Changes made:
A style guide was implemented to incorporate colors of the rainbow, without becoming too overpowering, to focus on the brand values and company mission.
We built wireframes to ensure the helping hand options are readily available, to include refer a child section, a volunteer banner, and a eye catching donate button. We created and tested lo-fi designs to test user experience.
We completed additional user testing to confirm design flaws, and explore what works & what needs to be adjusted or improved.
I look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss your project needs and company goals!